What we’ve done is remove the additional step of rating your business from the customer from the workflow for this one and directly ask them to review your business on the review site of your choice.
In SMS you will see that we altered the copy of the message we send to basically ask for them to review you on the platform of your choice. The URL is still reviewrail related so that we can track the conversion. It instantly redirects the customer to the platform of your choice (in this case Google).

We also ask them to respond with feedback if they didn’t enjoy the experience. This is to help limit any upset customers from leaving a negative reviews on outside sites. Basically, they text in there and it will leave you a message viewable under contact messages. You’ll also get an email with the information.

Via Email:
If you use it via email, we replace the rating buttons with these buttons below. If the user clicks on the Google Review button they’ll get redirected to Google (but we will track the click) and if they didn’t have a good experience, they click the “Help us Improve” and get redirected to our suggestions page. Again, that suggestions bit is to help minimize negative reviews on google etc and help you manage that relationship before a review is sent.