Connecting ReviewRail to your Google Business
This article will help you learn how to connect and use ReviewRail’s Google Business Integration to ReviewRail. This will offer you a number of benefits which you can view on this post.
If you don’t have one yet, we strongly suggest you sign up for a Google Business Page. It is not only required to use this integration, but it significantly helps improve your search visibility to customers on Google.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Login to ReviewRail.
2. Navigate to either the Review Links or Integrations Page and Connect your Google Business following the workflow below.
Confirm it is working
You should now see both your Google Review Link showing on your Google Business Integrations and you will see Your Reviews feeding into the performance dashboard.
Disconnecting your Google Business from ReviewRail
If you decide you do not want to connect your Google Business with ReviewRail, you can simply press Disconnect on ReviewRail which will in effect delete the connection.