You can send customers a feedback request through an email or a text message. Watch our videos on How Email Works here and How SMS Works here.
Below are some notes about the settings:
- Send button: Turn this on or off.
- Send the SMS/Email in: This is the amount of time we will send the message after they are added to the system.
- Time of Day to Send: We will send the message within this timeslot.
Use these short codes in your email templates:
~~CUSTOMER_FIRSTNAME~~ Customers first name.
~~ACCOUNT_NAME~~ Your ReviewRail account name.
~~ACCOUNT_FIRSTNAME~~ First name of the account holder.
~~ACCOUNT_LASTNAME~~ Last name of the account holder.
~~RATING~~ Use this to use all of our workflows. By default this is set. The customer rates you in the email and then we send them to the appropriate page.
~~TESTIMONIAL_LINK~~ If you do not want them to rate you in the email, then use this in your email template.
IMPORTANT: You can only use this for the testimonial workflow. It will not work with the 3rd Party Reviews and Push a Platform workflow. You need to turn these off in the review settings page here